Are we all trade showed out? - Candle Monster

Are we all trade showed out?

I'm sure some of you had a similar weekend to me. There were four really large trade shows on at the same time, each offering something slightly di...

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Introducing our Botanica Series - Candle Monster

Introducing our Botanica Series

Our Botanica Series is for those who prefer more classical fragrances. We selected the most exotic floral scents then hunted down the best fragranc...

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MAD Fashion Showcase - Candle Monster

MAD Fashion Showcase

The MAD Fashion Showcase is an evening of alternative fashion featuring some of Australia's most talented designers. The audience will be enthralle...

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Creating Your Sanctuary... - Candle Monster

Creating Your Sanctuary...

I'm huge on creating sanctuary. It's what makes a house a home. But what is it exactly? It's so subjective and varies from person to person. If you...

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Introducing our new Samplers - Candle Monster

Introducing our new Samplers

I'll be the first to agree that being an online only business you're at a disadvantage with your customers not able to pop into your store and brow...

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