'Thanks' gift for supporting the makers in 2019

To say thanks for your support in 2019 please use this discount code THANKSSANTA to get 25% off your next order.

Big companies don't truly appreciate your business, you're just a sale to them. Small businesses do. We want to establish relationships not just make sales. We want to dazzle you with great service and fit our products to your needs, not the other way around.

We're heading into that crazy time of the year where our wallets and purses haemorage as we do our Christmas shopping. Buying presents for loved ones is a lovely gesture buy as we try to make more concious choices that are better for us, and the environment, it adds another layer of complexity to the task.

All our products are tested on humans and kind to the environment. We hope this makes your Christmas shopping a bit easier! Oh and if you need help picking a fragrance for someone, message me. I've got a 95% success rate and only need a short description of the person.

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