Customised: Chic Styling Scented Candles x 60

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Bulk batch of 60 promotional candles with chic styling, including an upfront strategy and design consultation. The candles are 100% soy wax, have a 35 hour burn time and are handmade in Melbourne. Fragrances all the same or a mix

Gifting these will keep your brand in front of your customers and those around them for for much longer, helping keep dialogue open for future business opportunities. Read more here.

 • Glass: 2 universal options, plus 2 simple options
 • Lid: 6 beautiful options in different materials
 • Box: 3 plain options
 • Box branding: 2 colour gloss labels
 • Glass branding: 2 colour gloss labels
     • Meet up in person to discuss strategy and target audiences
     • Fragrance samplers will be brought so you can choose
     • Suggested styling presented for feedback
     • Mock-up of label designs produced and emailed
     • Prototype created (if needed) and sent for approval
     • Bulk batch then produced and shipped
        • It will make customers feel appreciated
        • It feels very generous and substantial as a gift
        • It will be placed centrally somewhere and attract attention
        • It will get 30-35 hours exposure, usually over a few weeks
        • The recipient will likely show others, propagating your brand
        • It can be styled to match your company branding or message
        • You can buy in bulk, store, and gradually give out
        • You can use them yourself in your office's reception area
        • If the recipient isn't so into it, they will re-gift it
        • Low chance it will be discarded without achieving exposure

           If you have questions reach out using our contact form, or call us on +61 419 341 209

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